  Made Easy

by Wayne Damron

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   FAILURE IN SALES DOES NOT OCCUR DUE TO LACK OF TALENT, BUT DUE TO LAZINESS. Although many people may tend to disagree with that statement, the reality is that the rep who prospects the best makes the most sales. Prospecting requires continuous effort, organization and planning � not laziness.
   Lynk Systems, Inc. has experienced success in sales by training their salespeople how to successfully prospect � which translates into sales success. The rule of prospecting perfectly illustrates the old �80/20� rule � 80% of the success is achieved by 20% of the population. Since most salespeople don�t like to prospect, they will never live up to their full potential and the 20% that are good prospectors, will continue to achieve 80% of the success in sales.
   Prospecting should be the number one priority of every sales representative. Closing sales is the direct result of prospecting � it makes sense that if you have enough qualified people to see, no matter how inexperienced you are at selling, you will close sales. Consequently, it also follows that if you don�t have anybody to see, you�ve already put pressure on yourself to make a sale and merchants can read that like yesterday�s news and they�re not going to feel comfortable buying from you.
   Prospecting is simply the act of taking advantage of multiple lead sources to feed your pipeline. A sales pipeline consists of a number of qualified leads that fuel the sales engine. Having a full pipeline feeds success � it gives the sales rep an idea of where the next sale is coming from, and provides a structure and organization to their sales planning. By adhering to this formula, a successful prospector can achieve a sale a day. Key to this program is networking � taking advantage of every opportunity to meet people and creating referral situations in which information is passed along to you to acquire a �warm call� somewhere down the line. A full pipeline ensures that even if you don�t get a sale you were counting